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Yesterday I swam and had a kink in my neck and couldn’t breathe out of my left side.

This morning I woke up and couldn’t turn my neck to the left. Not great.

Then I was moving luggage and I stepped on my computer charger and slipped and went down. Oy. Also not great!

Now I’m waiting for Derek to pick me up and we are heading down to Pacifica to a BBQ before we head to San Jose for the Silicon Valley International Triathlon tomorrow. Jessie is coming too; it will be fun! The last time I did this race was 4 years ago with Bruce. Back then they called it the San Jose International.

Should be a fun day!!

Dear Diary,

Friday I was semi-hungover from the Rickhouse the night before. I was drinking the drink whose names was in homage to its previous haunt, the Ginger’s Trois. So what I did was walk-run on the treadmill for :30. Lame, but beter than nothing.

Saturday I was up and at ’em and swam for :32, rode my bike for 1:35, and ran for :30. Then I went over to Bruce’s house and organized my stuff for the big road trip coming up. I went to bed at 9:30.
swim: 32:13
bike: 1:34:06 (140 HR avg)
run 33:41 (166 HR avg)

TE 3.7
HR 146 avg
HR 185 peak
kcals 1,001

Sunday I woke up at like 4, ouch. Jessie and I were going to go for a bike ride, but it was raining. Boo! So I had Easter breakfast with Kins and the boys… strawberry shortcake! And the Easter Bunny brought me a basket! Then I did a lot of laundry and took a nap. I was supposed to go to the Hunky Jesus Contest but when I woke up it was super nice out in SF and so I got on my bike and tested my new shoes and cleats instead. Wildflower is next weekend so I should be on my bike as much as possible.

Today I got up and ran for :40. It was a great treadmill run, I wish all my runs would be like that. I did:

:05 warm up at 6mph
:10 +2 stops faster
:15 +2 stops faster
:20 +2 stops faster
:25 +2 stops faster
:30 +2 stops faster
:35 +2 stops faster then 2 more stops faster. I was eventually running 7:30 mile minutes. Fast!
:40 warm down

TE 3.8
HR 163 avg
HR 183 peak
396 kcals

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