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Last year on New Years Eve, the German and I ran the NYC midnight fun run. He had just gotten back from Germany that day and I remember doing this photo shoot right before I had to go sit on him to wake him up because he was so jet lagged. He was mumbling stuff in German and I said, “yer in amurica now, boy!” and he cracked up. I couldn’t believe he rallied. But he did, and we went to Central Park at 10pm and froze our assess off at midnight in the freezing sleet with all the other runners and an amazing fireworks show that lasted for 15 minutes.

This year we walked down to the beach and took some pictures. Now he’s off to Whole Foods to get some dinner and then we’ll have some champagne and probably fall asleep at 10pm because we are boring.

Today I did a breathless spin class, it was super hard. Then a 30 minute core class, also almost impossible. My core needs work.

Happy New Year!

Happy NYEE, or New Years Eve eve.

Today I woke up at 5:45 and went to spin at 6:30. Then I stretched a lot and discovered that I am super tight since I have not been stretching after my runs on the east coast. Bad, bad.

It is the wettest winter on record in LA. Of course it is.

Uh oh supposed to go spin in an hour but really don’t feel like it.

Ran this morning in 15 degree cold. Brr. It was so windy I think it took me 40 minutes to do 3 miles! I remember having to really lean into it bc of the wine. The cold really got into my chest.

Flew back to LA this night. Watched Eat, Pray, Love and The Kids are Alright on the plane. Fell asleep at the end of the later. Not sure what happened at the end… ?

Took the day off today, I was ok with that.

Since there was the Blizzardgedon going on in NYC, I thought it might come down to DC. So today I did a super sneaky thing and asked the PT’s if there was a treadmill I could use at the hospital. And lo and behold there was. So I snuck down and ran on one of them. Normally these machines are used for people getting back on their feet from surgeries and what-nots, and I am sure at a very low speed for a very little length of time. But today I hammered on it for 30 minutes between 5.5 and 6.3 mph at 2% incline. Judging from the way it rattled and shook, I don’t think that treadmill knew what hit it.

Merry Christmas!

One of my favorite sites of all time – It obvs only says YES one day a year. Genius.

Actually went for a run today at Sibley, where my mom is recuperating from a hip replacement. I did about 4 miles in the cold.

Went to spin class this morning (no time for a run) then had brekkie at Flake with Stefan.

Then the supershuttle picked me up and off I went, LAX>IAD.

Wow have not posted in a while.

On Thursday, 12/23/10, I went to spin class and then ran for 35 minutes. That was good.

Saw a co-worker (Katy) at the gym and found out she is doing a last minute trip to the east coast for NYE, exciting!

That’s what my spin teacher, April, told us this morning. She said that because she is going to spend the holidays with her mom and her mom wants to watch the local nativity play 6 times over the course of the week. And according to April, after the 3rd time she sees the birth of baby Jesus, she will need Patron to help her get through the remaining 3 births. Amen.

Alarm went off at 6 this morning and guess what? It was raining, yes. It was raining so hard I took the Big Blue Bus to the gym. Then I was on one spin bike and the monitor ran out of battery and so I moved to another bike, which also had a non functioning monitor. Workout fail. Then I had to get to work for a 9:30 so I didn’t have time to run or stretch after. Tomorrow I will do a double.

Hopefully we get out of work early today. That is the rumor.

Did you know you can do yoga online for free?  Tis true –

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